Holiday Events Where you Can Network Your Way to a Job

Any holiday gathering can be a networking opportunity.

Any holiday gathering can be a networking opportunity.

Over 80% of all jobs are obtained by networking.  From that, you know that networking is an indispensable part of your job search.  A holiday job search is no different.  But the good thing about the holidays is there are plenty of events that you can use to network.  The most crucial thing you must remember is you want to get noticed.

Anytime people come together for any reason, it can be a networking event.  You don’t need a formalized networking event.  All you need is a group of people.  Here I would like to give you a few examples of events that you can turn into an opportunity to get to know people.  This stage is about relationship building only.  It is way too early to look at leads for jobs.

Bring business cards to the event but not your résumé.  Only give your business cards if it seems like the right thing to do.  Don’t hand them out like candy canes.  Request an opportunity to get to know them better after the holidays to just talk.  You don’t want to be a pushy job searcher who’s desperate.  Instead, be friendly, interesting, and capable.

Holiday parties thrown by friends and family are most likely to happen.  At the end of the year, people like to gather with family and friends to celebrate the season.  Colleges and universities like to have a holiday gathering that is simply socializing.  They want to generate interest in reunions and the needs of the school.  Business and civic associations will have holiday get togethers to celebrate the season.  These events bring people together to eat, drink and be merry.  Attend and meet people.

Volunteering during the holidays is a tremendous opportunity to meet like-minded people.  If they are volunteering, they likely have a generous spirit.  In addition to networking, volunteering will allow you to use your skills or learn new skills.

Temporary seasonal jobs allow you with new people to meet.  If the job is a retail or customer service position, you will meet new people and acquaintances.  You could have an opportunity to tell your story.  If the position is related to your target job, your boss could become permanent.

Community events attract large groups of people.  Consider a position on the planning committee.  Get to know the other people on the committee.  Taking a leadership role is beneficial for your résumé.  There are parades, tree lighting, fairs, musical events, and church events for you to attend and meet many people.  These events will give you an easy way to enter into a conversation.

The law of large numbers is working in your favor.  The more people you meet, the better chances you have of finding the person who will be able to help you.  Meet as many people as you can and follow-up.

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