New Year, New Energy

stuart miles  2013 to 14

The number one New Year’s resolution job searchers need for success in 2014 is to add a new energy to your search.  New Year, new energy.  Give it all you’ve got without holding back.  Avoid fits and starts by keeping up a maintainable push forward.  The following are ways to increase the momentum of your job search.

Be positive.  You are what you think you are.  Expect you will receive a job and smile.  Remember the little engine that could—I think I can, I think I can…

Show enthusiasm with everyone you meet.  People like enthusiastic people.  The positive vibe strengthens bonds and encourages collaboration.

Maintain healthy eating habits, it keeps the weight off, and you prevent numerous illnesses.  Avoid sweets and empty calories.  Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.  Reduce the amount of red meat you eat.

Work out regularly to keep your mind alert, your body fit, and your spirits uplifted.  You look fabulous when your body is healthy and toned.  Walking is an excellent exercise and doesn’t require equipment or expensive gym fees.

Interact with other people often. Surround yourself with positive people by socializing or volunteering, it is a powerful way to build your network.  It is a well-known fact that over 80% of jobs are obtained by networking.

Continue learning new things.  It looks terrific on a résumé when you are constantly learning new things; shows you are up-to-date and haven’t stagnated.  Two places you get more information on free courses are and  You won’t receive credit, but some schools will give you a certificate of completion.  Some of the participating schools are M.I.T., Harvard, Tufts, Notre Dame, U. Cal. Berkeley, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Yale.

Target your résumé and cover letter to each position that interests you.  One resume and cover letter does not fit all positions.  Make your résumé stand out of the stack by showing how you meet their needs like no one else can.  Keep all your accomplishments and honors in the top half of the résumé.  The people in human resources will look at it for about 10 to 20 seconds.

Put closure on your last job.  Confront the feelings of loss with the Job Loss Recovery Program that are holding you back.  Say good-bye to the anger that is casting a shadow on your search.

Whatever changes you want to make in other aspects of your life, adding these will give you with a new energy to pursue your dream job.


How can I help you in your job search?

Image:  Stuart Miles

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