One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Résumé

Stuart Miles  laptop

You want your résumé to stand out among all the rest.  You know that the first reader will only spend about 15 seconds on it.  In order to get your résumé in the keep pile you need to think of your résumé as a piece of real estate.  You know the common phrase in real estate is location, location, location. 

Obviously, you want all your information read.  If you grab the reader’s attention at the beginning, they will continue to the end. Look at your résumé as two locations, above the fold and below the fold.  Top load your information above the fold with your greatest accomplishments using numbers as either dollars or percentages.  Also, include keywords in this section.  By creating your résumé in this fashion the reader will want to continue.

Now that you have them reading more, continue proving to the reader you are the most qualified candidate.  Again, use numbers to show how you saved money, made money or saved time.   The employer has a problem that they need to solve and it usually one of the above.  By showing them you have done it in the past they will realize you have the expertise to do it again.  

Perform the half fold test on your résumé.  Print it out and fold the first page in half.  Does it contain all your best accomplishments and keyword?  Tweak your résumé to take advantage of the choice location on your résumé.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

2 Comments to "One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Résumé"

  1. Monick Halm's Gravatar Monick Halm
    January 21, 2013 - 7:50 pm | Permalink

    I’m a career coach and this advice is really great! I definitely share this nugget with my clients.

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