One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: For phone screen success, it’s the little things that matter.

woman on a phone screen

Your résumé has done what it was supposed to do; it captured the attention of the hiring company and they want to know more about.  The first step in the long process is a phone interview or phone screen.  The hiring company will call to ask about details not on the résumé.  One thing they may ask is your salary requirements.  Other questions are asked to decide your fit for the company and your interest in the company.

 You must be ready for the call.  There are some questions you can get in advance.  But preparing your space for the interview is essential for acing this round.

  • Use a land line for the call.  The quality is better than a cell phone.  Make sure the phone is fully charged.  The call should be taken in your home and not in a public place or in your car.
  • Unless you are on Skype, the interviewer will not be able to see you.  Use that to your advantage by having notes handy.   On self stick notes, write answers to possible questions and other information that you want to near you.  Place the self stick notes on a science fair display board according to type of question.  Set up the board near the phone so that you can easily see the answers without shuffling papers around.
  • Have a copy of your résumé, cover letter, and job posting close by.  Also, include a pad of paper, 2 pens (2 in case one doesn’t write) and a glass of water.
  • A must have is your calendar, you want to be ready if they want to set up a face-to-face interview. 
  • All the research you have done on the company should be readily available.
  • Remove any distractions from the area.  Place pets far enough away so that their noises can’t be heard.  Inform your family that this is an important call, and you would appreciate some quiet.
  • Turn off call waiting and any other distracting features you may have on your phone.
  • Know where the mute button is on your phone and how to use it in the event you want a sip of water. 

Your résumé has done its job.  Now it is up to you to do your best to shine so that you will be invited for a face to face interview. 

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