One easy mindset change can produce phenomenal results in your job search. WIIFM stands for What’s In It For Me. The ME is the company. They need to know what you can do for them. And that one change is focusing on the company and hiring manager instead of you.
In the past, one of the most crucial sections of the resume was the Objective Statement. It was telling the company what you want. It was all about you and your needs. Times have changed.
Today’s job search is showing the company what you can do for them. Demonstrate you are the best candidate for the job. They have a problem/pain they are trying to solve, and they are trying to find a way to fix it. It’s all about them and their needs.
The company will receive many resumes for a single job posting. All the applicants believe they are the perfect fit for the position. They can do the job and need the pay check that goes with doing the job. The company knows they candidates are capable of doing the job. However, they want the one who can do it better than anyone else.
In order to express to the hiring manager you are the best, present your accomplishments in dollars and percentages. In your résumé, highlight increases in revenue or decreases in expenses attributed to you. Also, awards and honors you have received.
You are the best candidate for the job. You and I both know it. Now prove to the company you are the best. Tell them you are able to use your exceptional talents make them more money. Don’t be modest; you have to brag about your accomplishments. No one else can do it for you.
Great insight! This is such a simple tweak and will make a huge difference! Plus, it’s important to think of this in any situation!
This is so true!
You’ll stick out from the other applicants and will be remembered because you ultimately are saying, “I come to work”! It sounds so simple but as you have expressed we usually approach employers desperate for a paycheck.