Tag Archives: interview questions

The One Worse Thing to Do In an Interview

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. I bet you still remember that from grade school, too. You have said it over and over again because you have it memorized. But memorizing is the worst thing you can do. You ruin your chances of being hired Being prepared not just ready to interview but so […]

Acing the Interview is Better Than Winning the World Cup

The world’s best soccer players are competing for the World Cup now. These players want to win. In order to win they have to play their A+ game. If you want to win the job, you need to bring not just your A game, but you’re A+ game to the interview.  Here are five tips […]

Interview Lessons Learned from Halloween.

Halloween is almost here.  Just ask the kids who have their costumes ready and can taste the candy.  They have prepared for a long time.  I remember as a kid, the summer would be spent deciding how I would dress for the big day.  But as a career coach, I think about how trick or […]

Success=foundation + right tools: Do you have a foundation and the right tools?

This summer my husband laid a new brick walkway in our yard.  He spent the hottest week in the summer working on it.  Getting ready for the bricks was the worse.  He had to dig the area, level it, put down a foundation of sand and rock, tamp it down, level it, add a layer […]

5 Interview tips that change your A game to and A+ game.

  The resume has landed you an interview.  Now it’s up to you to show them you are the professional your resume exhibits.  Everything about you is under scrutiny at the interview.  You need to bring not just your A game, but you’re A+ game.  Here are 5 tips that kick your game up the […]