Category Archives: holiday job search

10 Gifts Job Searchers Need But Won’t Ask For

Ask a job searcher what they want for Christmas.  From my experience, the answer is “a job.”  The last thing a job searcher needs is a scented candle or a box of chocolates.  While these gifts are delightful, they don’t give the job searcher what he/she really needs—meaningful employment and a paycheck.  You can be assured […]

Holiday Events Where you Can Network Your Way to a Job

Over 80% of all jobs are obtained by networking.  From that, you know that networking is an indispensable part of your job search.  A holiday job search is no different.  But the good thing about the holidays is there are plenty of events that you can use to network.  The most crucial thing you must […]

Conquering Holiday Job Search Stress Part II

In my last post, I gave 8 tips to reduce your stress this holiday season.  Stress while unemployed is normal.  Stress during the holidays is also normal.  But combine the two and you have more than your share of stress.  Below I have continued with more suggestions to reduce stress.   1.)  Ask for help from […]

Conquering Holiday Job Search Stress Part I

T‘is the season to be jolly. Or so the song goes.  But if you are unemployed at this time you are adding more stress to an already stressful time.  But it doesn’t have to be.  There are ways to cope with the season.  I have provided some suggestions for you to choose from as not […]

Conquering Holiday Job Search Stress Part I

T‘is the season to be jolly. Or so the song goes.  But if you are unemployed at this time you are adding more stress to an already stressful time.  But it doesn’t have to be.  There are ways to cope with the season.  I have provided some suggestions for you to choose from as not […]