In most instances in life you assume a certain level of quality in service, goods, etc. Unless the quality is above or below your expectations, you won’t notice it. But when you are looking for a job, how you communicate, dress and act will speak volumes about you. People won’t notice much about you unless you have issues with you communications, attire and actions.
One of the best ways to get hired is to be professional in all that you do. You never know when you will meet someone who wills open doors for you. Be at your best at all times. Whether it’s waiting in line at the bank or cheering for your favorite ball team, it’s beneficial to be seen as professional.
Here are my suggestions that will present you as a professional.
Appearance—you don’t need to dress in your interview suit every time you go out of the house. But I do think that you should be showered, hair clean and neat, clean shaven, and your fingernails manicured—no broken nails or dirt underneath the nails, polish not chipped. Pajama pants and ripped jeans don’t say hire me. Be appropriately dressed for the occasion but not sloppy. Shoes should be appropriate for your outfit and in good shape.
Act—like a professional, watch the alcohol intake, use your manners, be polite to everyone, refrain from offensive hand signals when driving. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Talk—avoid gossiping, swearing, being loud and obnoxious, and saying negative things about your former employer or company. Remember the magic words, please and thank you.
Outgoing Messages—set up these messages saying your full name and ask the caller’s name and the number where they can be reached.
Social Media—employers will Google you at some point in your candidacy with their company.
LinkedIn Profile Picture-should be a professional headshot, a close up, and you should be alone and look like you do when you work. Nothing suggestive, sloppy, or
Facebook—set the privacy settings as tight as you can. Even so, others can repost your posts. Keep them proper for your job search. Photos of you with drinks in your hand and tipsy don’t appeal to hiring managers.
Digital dirt—do a Google search on you. See what comes up. If there is something questionable, do what you can to get rid of it. Are there people with your same name? Make sure you give future employers the correct spelling of your name and some other information that will identify you as you.
Today job searching is no longer limited to reading the want ads in the newspaper. Networking is the key, and it happens everywhere and anywhere. You may strike up a conversation with the person next you and it will serve you to be well groomed and dressed neatly. Always be ready to meet your next employer or the person who knows him/her.
How can I help you in your job search?
The first process of any hiring agent is to eliminate. That way they can render the flood of applicants down to something manageable.
Good first step, Arleen. “Don’t get thrown out on the first round.” No reason to get eliminated for something trivial.
Thank you Andrea! You want to be able to make though to the final round and up end with the job.