One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search Now: Be a giver

A couple of days ago, I read an article written by Jeff Haden that first appeared on LinkedIn.  It was titled:  Why Everyone Should Do A Little Work For Free.  Jeff Haden was clearly referring to employed people.  But his idea also applies to job searchers. 

Here is my take on how job searchers can benefit from working for free.  In this case,  it can be called volunteering.  When you volunteer for someone who needs your help, it’s a win, win for both you and them.  They get something done that they can’t pay for, andcommunity support you get more than time well spent. 

·         You keep your skills current.  Instead collecting dust on the unemployment shelf, you are using your skills.  Your résumé:  you are working; it fills the gaps on your résumé.

·         You learn a different software, method, or more skills that you didn’t have.  Your résumé:  you have added skills.

·         You learn how your skills fit in different organizations.  If you were in a manufacturing company and you volunteer in a non-profit, you have experience in non-profits.  Your career: you have new opportunities in a new industry.

·         You meet new people.  It is said that over 85% of all jobs are obtained by networking.  Your network:  you are expanding your network by meeting people who know other people.

·         You feel good about yourself.  There is something about helping others that makes you feel good.  Your mental state:  you feel productive and happier.

So you see, volunteering is a win, win.  And you are getting the most from the experience.  However, volunteering isn’t all about you getting a job, it’s about you doing something good for someone else.  That is the most fundamental reason for volunteering.  Don’t lose sight that you are making life better for someone else.  Concentrate on what you are doing for them, not how it’s helping you.  The universe knows when you are doing something selfish and will pay you back in kind.

Transform your job search: WIIFM

One easy mindset change can produce phenomenal results in your job search.  WIIFM stands for What’s In It For Me.  The ME is the company.  They need to know what yosuccessful business manu can do for them.  And that one change is focusing on the company and hiring manager instead of you. 

In the past, one of the most crucial sections of the resume was the Objective Statement.  It was telling the company what you want.  It was all about you and your needs.  Times have changed.

Today’s job search is showing the company what you can do for them.  Demonstrate you are the best candidate for the job.  They have a problem/pain they are trying to solve, and they are trying to find a way to fix it.  It’s all about them and their needs. 

The company will receive many resumes for a single job posting.  All the applicants believe they are the perfect fit for the position.  They can do the job and need the pay check that goes with doing the job.  The company knows they candidates are capable of doing the job.  However, they want the one who can do it better than anyone else. 

In order to express to the hiring manager you are the best, present your accomplishments in dollars and percentages.  In your résumé, highlight increases in revenue or decreases in expenses attributed to you.  Also, awards and honors you have received. 

You are the best candidate for the job.  You and I both know it.  Now prove to the company you are the best.  Tell them you are able to use your exceptional talents make them more money.  Don’t be modest; you have to brag about your accomplishments.  No one else can do it for you.   

To get a job, you need to let go.

hot air balloon

There are some things that get better with time; a fine wine; a broken bone; or a loving relationship.  Then there are the things that don’t; leftovers; overnight guests; and anger.  In fact, the latter gets rank the longer they hang on.  We like hanging on to things regardless of whether they get better or worse over time.  We don’t like change, or to let go of things.

The things we hold on to drag us down.  They prevent us from moving on.  It isn’t just things but also our thoughts.   In movies about settling the west, the pioneers move across the prairie in over-loaded covered wagons to settle in new lands.  They brought with them all their possessions of their past life.  But then the wagon axle breaks, and in order to go to their new life they have to let go of some of their belongs.  Things they were hoping to bring them comfort and pleasure later on have to be released.

When the decision was stay stuck in the middle of nowhere or get rid of stuff, they quickly chose to part with what was going to keep them from moving on.  Although I’m sure it was reluctantly and maybe even some tears, they did it.  They had to.  They had a life waiting to start.

There are some things that get better with time; a fine wine; a broken bone; or a loving relationship.  Then there are the things that don’t; leftovers; overnight guests; and anger.  In fact, the latter gets rank the longer they hang on.  We like hanging on to things regardless of whether they get better or worse over time.  We don’t like change, or to let go of things.

The things we hold on to drag us down.  They prevent us from moving on.  It isn’t just things but also our thoughts.   In movies about settling the west, the pioneers move across the prairie in over-loaded covered wagons to settle in new lands.  They brought with them all their possessions of their past life.  But then the wagon axle breaks, and in order to go to their new life they have to let go of some of their belongs.  Things they were hoping to bring them comfort and happiness later on have to be released.

When the decision was stay stuck in the middle of nowhere or get rid of stuff, they quickly chose to part with what was going to keep them from moving on.  Although I’m sure it was reluctantly and maybe even some tears, they did it.  They had to.  They had a new life waiting to start.

Well you’re not traveling in a covered wagon across the prairie.  But you are a trying to get to a new job.  However, there are things that holding you back.  While it might be your resume, cover letters, small network, or interviewing skills, it could very well be left over feelings from being laid off.

Negative feelings can weigh you down and prevent you from moving on which shows up in your appearance and demeanor.  You make excuses for not looking for a job.  Or when you hear of one you have many reasons for not going after it.  You are not qualified, over qualified; or other such reasons.  Or you do pursue it, and you don’t get the job.   This just drags you down further.  And the cycle continues.  There is an aura about you that doesn’t show enthusiasm and energy.  There is a flatness about you that shows up and is holding you back.

Forgiving the person responsible for your lay off is required to release the anger, resentment and unhappiness you feel.  After you let go these feelings, you will feel better about yourself and your demeanor will improve as your attitude improves.  It isn’t easy, but it is well worth the time and effort.  Your job search will benefit from your improved outlook.   

 There may be a comfort in holding on to what is familiar, but comfort can’t be found in waiting for your life to begin.  Like the pioneers of old who tossed their excess baggage, tossing out your unnecessary feelings will take you to the life that’s waiting for you.


Find key words in the clouds—word clouds

Word cloud made with WordItOut

What is a word cloud? Look at the image above. That is a word cloud. It is a visual summary of the words used in this blog. The larger the word, the more often it’s used in a body of text. It’s easy to do and can be used for your job search.

You have heard that keywords are essential to job search. You know they are in the job posting and should be in your resume. But how do you find them? You create a word cloud. When you create a word cloud from a job posting, you see they key words. They are largest words. As a word gets smaller, so does its importance in the ad.

The largest words should be in your resume. They are the words that have been programmed into the application tracking system used by the human resource department. The word cloud from your resume is should be similar to the word cloud of the job posting.

Word clouds will also help you in an interview. By creating a word cloud from the company’s website homepage, you will see what’s important to them. These are the words you are going to be sure to use during the interview. To get a better idea of the company, use more than just the home page.

Your LinkedIn profile can benefit from a word cloud. If you don’t have a particular job posting in mind, you can do a search for a number of job postings for the type of job you want. Create a word cloud from the postings and use the largest words in your profile. They are the keywords that employers are using to fill spots in their company. Instead of having an ad for an open position, they might be trying to fill the position by doing a search on LinkedIn.

These four websites contain a word cloud generator. All four are easy and give some output options. If you are using your word cloud to search for key words, you won’t need the interesting output styles. The default cloud will be sufficient. The web sites are Worditout, Wordle, ToCloud, and WordSift.

How to create a word cloud:
If you can copy and paste, you can create a word cloud.
1—highlight the text you want to use for your word cloud and copy it.
2—paste the text into the space provided by the word cloud generator site and click the button that starts the process.
And there you have it. Key words are an indispensable part of your job search. But you must know how to find them if you are going to use them to your advantage.

Find key words in the clouds—word clouds

Word cloud made with WordItOut

What is a word cloud?  Look at the image above.  That is a word cloud.  It is a visual summary of the words used in this blog.  The larger the word, the more often it’s used in a body of text.  It’s easy to do and can be used for your job search.

You have heard that keywords are essential to job search.  You know they are in the job posting and should be in your résumé.  But how do you find them?  You create a word cloud.  When you create a word cloud from a job posting, you see they key words.  They are largest words.  As a word gets smaller, so does its importance in the ad.

The largest words should be in your résumé.  They are the words that have been programmed into the application tracking system used by the human resource department.  The word cloud from your résumé is should be similar to the word cloud of the job posting.

Word clouds will also help you in an interview.  By creating a word cloud from the company’s website homepage, you will see what’s important to them.  These are the words you are going to be sure to use during the interview.  To get a better idea of the company, use more than just the home page.

Your LinkedIn profile can benefit from a word cloud.  If you don’t have a particular job posting in mind, you can do a search for a number of job postings for the type of job you want.  Create a word cloud from the postings and use the largest words in your profile.  They are the keywords that employers are using to fill spots in their company.  Instead of having an ad for an open position, they might be trying to fill the position by doing a search on LinkedIn.

These four websites contain a word cloud generator.  All four are easy and give some output options.  If you are using your word cloud to search for key words, you won’t need the interesting output styles.  The default cloud will be sufficient.  The web sites are Worditout, Wordle, ToCloud, and WordSift.

How to create a word cloud:

If you can copy and paste, you can create a word cloud.

1—highlight the text you want to use for your word cloud and copy it.

2—paste the text into the space provided by the word cloud generator site and click the button that starts the process.

And there you have it.  Key words are an indispensable part of your job search.  But you must know how to find them if you are going to use them to your advantage.