Category Archives: volunteer

Close the Gaps in Your Resume

  There is something about gaps in resumes that hiring managers don’t like.  Well there are many things they don’t like, but gaps are a big one.  Hiring managers are under the false impression that all job searchers do all day is sit in front of the television.  But job searchers know that looking for […]

3 Quick Tips for Job Search Success

  When you think of a job search, you will immediately think of resumes and interviews.  They are on every job searchers mind.  But if you are in a job search, there are other things you think about.  You also think about cover letters, networking and where to find available jobs. Those are the biggies […]

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search Now: Be a giver

A couple of days ago, I read an article written by Jeff Haden that first appeared on LinkedIn.  It was titled:  Why Everyone Should Do A Little Work For Free.  Jeff Haden was clearly referring to employed people.  But his idea also applies to job searchers.  Here is my take on how job searchers can […]

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Have an answer to the question, “What have you been up to”?

Many of my clients have told me that one of the many questions they were asked had to do what they had been doing since they were laid off.  The question came as a surprise to most of them.  Fortunately they were able to say what they had been doing. In an earlier post, I […]