Category Archives: phone interview

The Best Set Up for Phone Screen Success

  In an earlier post, I talked about what you should do if you have a phone screen set up and the interviewer doesn’t show up.   In this post, I will help you prepare your space for when the phone screen interviewer sets up an appointment. Hopefully, it will be kept this time. I have […]

The Phone Screen Interviewer Was a No Show—Now What?

In the last few days, I have gotten calls from people saying they had a phone screen, but the interviewer never called.  They wondered why and what to do.  One person was so angry that she wanted to bill the company for her time.  I don’t think that is a good idea unless she wants […]

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Have a Plan and Work Your Plan

Today is Monday, the start of a new week.  Do you have your job search goals clearly defined?  If not, now would be a perfect time to set your goals for the week. Many job searchers go about their job search in a take it as it comes.  They spend hours on the job board […]

One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: For phone screen success, it’s the little things that matter.

Your résumé has done what it was supposed to do; it captured the attention of the hiring company and they want to know more about.  The first step in the long process is a phone interview or phone screen.  The hiring company will call to ask about details not on the résumé.  One thing they […]