Category Archives: survivng unemployment

A New Positive Direction for Job Search Success when you are 45+

An excellent opportunity for Networking, receiving the Moral Support you need, and learning State of the Art Job Search Strategies for job searchers 45+. Is your search more difficult due to your age? Do you feel alone in your job search and no one understands what you are going through? Are you feeling depressed and […]

The Job Searchers Most Needed Tool: Job Search Networking Support Group

In the past 4 years, I have been a part of a job search networking group called Pressed for Success.  When it began there were only 3 of us.  The following week, 5 and it grew steadily for a couple of years.  However as the economy improves, growth has not been as steady.  But the […]

How to be Jolly and Unemployed During the Holidays

 T‘is the season to be jolly. Or so the song goes.  But if you are unemployed at this time you are adding more stress to an already stressful time.  But it doesn’t have to be.  There are ways to cope with the season.  I have provided some suggestions for you to choose from as not […]

10 Gifts Job Searchers Need But Won’t Ask For

Ask a job searcher what they want for Christmas.  From my experience,  the answer is “a job.”  The last thing a job searcher needs is a scented candle or a box of chocolates.  While these gifts are nice, they don’t give the job searcher what he/she really needs—meaningful employment and a pay check.  You can […]

Networking tips for introverts, the shy, and socially challenged.

It seems that the road to success is networking.  It can be career suicide if you fail to network in this day and age.  Everyone is doing it and needs to do it.  But for many, networking is more painful than anything imaginable.   For introverts, shy people and/or socially challenged, it doesn’t mean the end […]