Many people have expressed displeasure in their current job. Few leave their job for fear they won’t find another one that pays the same or a new job will just end up the same as their current job. Some people make the courageous move to leave the suffering and look for something better. Which one are you?
If you have decided that it’s time for a new job, I’m sure you are wondering what to do next. Here is a list of some of the things you will have to do.
- The most important step is to determine what you want to do next. Write down all the things you like about your current job and what you want in your next job. Now do the same with the things you didn’t like.
- Search for job titles that match your interests. Assemble a list of keywords that you find in job ads. Look for the similar requirements and duties.
- Now create your resume. Using the job descriptions as a guide you can take your experience and skills to demonstrate how you are the person the company is looking for. Using the keywords will get you noticed in the application tracking systems.
- Network, network, network. Talk to everyone you know about the position you are looking for. You can turn any event into a networking opportunity if you keep your eyes and ears open. Always remember that networking is relationship building. You must give to get.
There are a few things you must be aware of if you are looking for a job while you have a job.
- Don’t look for a job while at your job. Many companies monitor your computer use including you internet searches. It isn’t a good idea to make interview arrangements on the company phone.
- Don’t drop hints that you are looking. Changes in your attitude and demeanor give clues that you are looking. Not attending meetings, dressing in interview attire and then going out to lunch at 10 am, arriving late or leaving early. Constantly looking at your cell phone and going outside to make calls.
- Don’t confide in a friend in the company. In some companies, everyone is looking out for number one. Your leaving could create an opportunity for them. It could be giving the boss a heads up that you are leaving, and they would like your position or gaining points with the boss if they keep him/her informed.
Not everyone has the privilege of quitting a job before looking for another. But finding a new job, while working can be a challenge it can be done. Many people have done it successfully, and you can too if you plan carefully and are cautious. There is a job waiting for you, go for it. You can do it.
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