How To Handle Every Job Search Challenge If You Are 45+ With Ease Using These Tips.

If you are 45+ and searching for a job, you care well aware of the challenges.  But New Positive Direction will have the tips you need to succeed.

It’s an excellent opportunity for Networking, receiving the Moral Support you need, and learning State of the Art Job Search Strategies for job  searchers 45+.

You can work again.  You just need a new positive direction

You can work again. You just need a new positive direction

 You can work again. You just need a new positive direction

New Positive Direction is a 6 week Job Search Networking Support Group where you will learn:

  • How to make your age an asset
  • How to find the hidden job market
  • How to create resumes and cover letters that deliver results
  • How to stay positive and healthy
  • How to ace your interview
  • How to follow-up your way to success

If you answered yes to any of these questions below, you will love New Positive Directions, a Job Search Networking Support Group focused on job searchers 45+.

  • Is your search more difficult due to your age?
  • Do you feel alone in your job search and no one understands what you are going through?
  • Are you feeling depressed and frustrated in a long job search?
  • Looking for state of the art job search strategies that get results?

You are not alone.  There are others just like you willing to share tips and boost your morale.  Learn how to make your age work for you instead of against you.  

 Yes! I want to attend the group calls starting Monday, June 10, 2013 at 1 pm.

This group will meet on the phone every week to learn state of the art job search strategies that highlight your age an asset  You will meet people like you who share your feelings because they are going through the same thing.  Unlike your family and friends who say they understand even though they are working and haven’t lost their job, the members of this group are unemployed and looking for a job , so they do know how you feel. New Positive Direction is a six week job search networking support group where:

  • You can share your feelings in a safe environment with like-minded people.
  • You can ask questions about your job search and get the solutions you need to get the job you want.
  • You can laugh and have fun looking for a job.

On Monday, June 10, 2013, at 1 pm, begins a new session of the New Positive Direction group.  Once you experience the support, you will feel more energized and more confident, and that will make a tremendous difference in your job search.

 Yes! I want to attend the group calls starting Monday, June 10, 2013 at 1 pm.

photo credit:  artur84

How To Handle Every Job Search Challenge If You Are 45+ With Ease Using These Tips

If you are 45+ and searching for a job, you care well aware of the challenges.  But New Positive Direction will have the tips you need to succeed.

It’s an excellent opportunity for Networking, receiving the Moral Support you need, and learning State of the Art Job Search Strategies for job searchers 45+.

You can work again.  You just need a new positive direction

You can work again. You just need a new positive direction

New Positive Direction is a 6 week Job Search Networking Support Group where you will learn:

  • How to make your age an asset
  • How to find the hidden job market
  • How to create resumes and cover letters that deliver results
  • How to stay positive and healthy
  • How to ace your interview
  • How to follow-up your way to success

If you answered yes to any of these questions below, you will love New Positive Directions, a Job Search Networking Support Group focused on job searchers 45+.

  • Is your search more difficult due to your age?
  • Do you feel alone in your job search and no one understands what you are going through?
  • Are you feeling depressed and frustrated in a long job search?
  • Looking for state of the art job search strategies that get results?

You are not alone.  There are others just like you willing to share tips and boost your morale.  Learn how to make your age work for you instead of against you.  

 Yes! I want to attend the group calls starting Monday, June 10, 2013 at 1 pm.

This group will meet on the phone every week to learn state of the art job search strategies that highlight your age an asset  You will meet people like you who share your feelings because they are going through the same thing.  Unlike your family and friends who say they understand even though they are working and haven’t lost their job, the members of this group are unemployed and looking for a job , so they do know how you feel. New Positive Direction is a six week job search networking support group where:

  • You can share your feelings in a safe environment with like-minded people.
  • You can ask questions about your job search and get the solutions you need to get the job you want.
  • You can laugh and have fun looking for a job.

On Monday, June 10, 2013, at 1 pm, begins a new session of the New Positive Direction group.  Once you experience the support, you will feel more energized and more confident, and that will make a tremendous difference in your job search.

 Yes! I want to attend the group calls starting Monday, June 10, 2013 at 1 pm.

photo credit:  artur84

Your Job Loss Affects Also Affects Your Family: Here are 10 Tips To Help Them Help You.

Your family feels your stress. Help them help you.

If you are unemployed, you know and understand the stress you are under.  But are you aware of the effects of your unemployment on your family?  Unemployment is not a solitary issue, it’s a family issue.

You are home more.  You are concerned about finances.   You are stressed and frustrated.  Your family feels these issues but may not talk about them but reacts in different ways.  Here are 10 ways you can deal with the added stress.

  1. Explain your situation to your family, what happened and why.  They have a right to know.  Allow them to ask questions and answer them honestly.
  2. Take on extra chores around the home.  This is especially helpful if your spouse is working or has had to increase their hours, or had to get a job.  Even though you will be spending time looking for a job, taking on extra duties there will be less bitterness of your time at home.
  3. Control your stress.  Your stress, spoken or not, is affecting your family.  They can see and feel it. 
  4. Assure your children that this is only temporary.  Assure them that you are looking for another job and soon things will get better.  In the meantime, everyone has to make some sacrifices.
  5. Ask for suggestions on ways to save money.  Include everyone in this process.  This is the touchiest subject.   When they have some input, it will be easier for them to cooperate in responding to the necessary changes.
  6. Be careful how you answer questions from your spouse.  How you answer is just as vital as what you say.  What is going on with you is affecting them.  They, as well as you, have had to make changes.  They are worried and/or frustrated, too.  Two common questions that you may have to answer are:  “What do you do all day?” and “Have you tried (insert various job search strategy)?”  These questions need consideration when answered.
  7. Spend quality time with your family.  You have more time, spend time with your family.  You have purchased many things to occupy time, use them.  Take out the board games and DVD’s.  Go outside for a walk, picnic, throw a ball around or go for a bike ride.  Libraries usually have free passes to museums.
  8. Watch for changes in your children.  Emotional and physical changes are likely to take place as a response to changes in the household due to unemployment.   Your reaction to these changes is crucial.  They aren’t about you personally, but as a result of the situation.  They may take it out on you because they don’t know what else to do. 
  9. Seek therapy if needed.  If you have tried everything to keep your family together during this difficult time and your family is struggling to cope, seek professional help.  You may be able to find free or low cost therapy by doing some looking.  Church ministry can also help you out.
  10. Remember your wedding vows.  You promised to be true in good times and in bad, for richer and for poorer.  These words were blissfully spoken when you were only thinking of the good and the richer.  This is still the same person you made these vows to.  Acknowledge that there will be good and bad days ahead and be ready to be patient when the bad days come.

I don’t know the author of this quote:  “Come and grow old with me, the best is yet to be.”  If you and your spouse understand the challenges and are willing to face them together, your temporary unemployment situation won’t tear you apart.  Instead, this will be something you will look back on as one of the many trials you have faced and conquered.




5 Job Search Secrets Hidden in Newspapers

Yes, even the crossword puzzle can help job searchers

Yes, even the crossword puzzle can help job searchers

Yesterday I learned how to read a newspaper.  Well actually I learned how a job searcher should read a newspaper to find information about job searching.  And no, it wasn’t the classified ads. 

Specifically, I learned how to read the Boston Business Journal from one of their audience development managers, Washawn Jones.  The information she shared started me thinking about other newspapers.  I didn’t learn anything new, but had an aha moment when I realized how the information in a newspaper can help job searchers.

Reading your local newspaper as a job searcher is different from reading the newspaper for the news.  Instead of reading the paper looking for sports scores, comics, deaths, and classifieds, there is information about what’s going on in companies right in your own backyard. 

Companies like to announce their good news. Companies with good news are companies that are doing well.  You may want to check out these companies for openings.  Good news includes new products, new customers, new locations, new contracts and such.  They will announce promotions and new hires.  The bigger the ads they take out, the better they are doing.   You may learn about companies that you didn’t know existed.

Newspaper can help you network in two ways.  Many companies encourage community involvement.  Pictures of their employees at local events often appear in the newspaper with names and titles.  You can learn about what projects companies are interested in and join in at the events.  Volunteering is a great way to get a job.  Organizations holding networking events will announce the time and place in the newspaper.

You may be following your targeted companies for your next position to learn what they are up to.  But are you following their stock performance? 

You will also find out about companies you want to avoid for a variety of reasons.  You may learn about some unethical practices, products/services you don’t want to be associated with, or their financial situation.   Layoffs, poor business practices, and other troubles find their way into the newspaper.  You can ignore these companies. 

If you have been reading my blog posts, you know that I am interested in the job searcher as well as the job search process.  One of the things I talk about is using humor to help with job search stress.  Reading the comics will offer a temporary respite from the stress.  Doing the puzzles will keep your mind off your job search for a short while.

Your local library has copies of your local, regional and specialty newspapers.  You can read several newspapers in one visit.  Sunday editions are usually larger and have more stories and advertisements.  Most newspapers have a business section where you can find business news in one place.

And yes, newspapers still have help wanted sections.  The job you want may be there waiting for you to find it.  Before you know it, you will only need the newspaper for the crossword puzzle.

Are you using a newspaper in your job search?  Tell us how your are using it?

The #1 reason why changing one little thing will get you back to work

Believe you will get a job, and see the results

Believe you will get a job, and see the results


It’s a tough economy.  Companies aren’t hiring.  It’s a jobless recovery.  You’re too old.   Hearing and reading these things can bring a job searcher down.  They may be true, but people get hired every day, so why not you.  Yes, you can be one of the lucky ones.

But you’re probably wondering how that will happen.  It’s very simple.  Think positive and believe you will get a job.  I know you’re thinking it’s easier said than done.   But you must work on it every day because if you don’t believe you will get a job, no else will. 

You can’t control the economy or your age, but you can control how you think about yourself.  Only you can do that.  It’s up to you to decide whom you will approach your job search.   You can be enthused and excited about your next opportunity, or you can think you’ll never get a job.  Henry Ford would tell that whatever you’re thinking, you’re correct.

You know how resumes work, how to ace the interview and follow-up.  But you need to believe in you to you.  Believe that you are the best candidate and understand why.  Believe that your next job is just around the corner. 

Believing in you is the only way to get a job.  Because if you believe you will be a success, you will do all the right things to be a success.  You will network with enthusiasm, you will carefully create a winning resumes, and interview with confidence.  It’s tough to do these things if you don’t believe you will win. 

Last August, I asked the people at my networking group to rate how confident they were going to get a job soon on a scale of 1 to 10.  I got mostly 5’s, except for one man.  He said his confidence level was a 10.  He was enthused and excited because he just knew he was going to get a job.  The interesting thing was at the time he had no resumes anywhere.  But sure enough within a couple of weeks he had a job.  It happened very quickly, but he had a job.  And he was the only one who believed he would be working again soon

This man had back rent issues, had a daughter going to college, and savings were depleted.  He genuinely needed a job, and he believed because there was no other alternative.  And he got one. 

On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you that you are going to get a job?  Do you believe that you will be employed soon?  Do you have a story like this man’s, if so please share it with us.