Category Archives: career exploration
One Really good tip to end your job search now: What to do with your transferable skills
Many times job searchers get frustrated with the lack of jobs in their profession. They begin to think of things they would like to do but only find things they don’t want to do. In the middle of an internet research project, I came across a site that is a must for anyone looking to […]
One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Spring Clean your Job Search
The nice, warmer weather of the spring brings about thoughts of spring cleaning. Cleaning out the dust and dirt accumulated during the winter and opening the windows to allow fresh air replace the stale air. It makes me feel energized. If you have felt the winter blahs and have let your job search slide some, […]
One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: Seek out Industries on the Rise—OOH
The world is flat. Yes, I know Christopher Columbus proved it was round, but with the state of technology today, information is easily sent and received within seconds. Technology is invented and improved steadily. In this rapidly changing world some industries are fading away and others are emerging. If you are a job searcher, you […]