Category Archives: survivng unemployment

Job Loss and Self-Identity

Seven years ago I lost my job.  It wasn’t just any job; I was working for my church.  The church my family had been involved in for 100 years.  I lost not only my job; I also lost where I went to church; the support system of people I had shared my faith with; the […]

Reduce Interview Stress and Ace the Interview

In my last post, I talked about the stress caused by interviews and how to it reduced by breathing.  Not just any breathing, but diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing.   There is a remarkable relationship between how you breathe and the stress you feel.  Put breathing from your diaphragm into your preparations to ace interviews. The […]

Interviews are like root canals without Novocaine.

Why are Interviews Stressful? Interviews have to be one the world’s most stressful activities.  Given a choice between a root canal and an interview, I think I would take neither.  I don’t like either one for different reasons.  I don’t like the pain involved in a root canal or the expense.  The interview just throws […]

Day Dreaming + Job Searching = New Job

Remember in grade school when you were daydreaming because you weren’t interested in what things a country imported or exported.  Or in high school when the teacher was talking about just about anything and your daydreams were on the cute boy/girl who was the focus of your attention that week.   In college, instead of listening […]

Surviving Unemployment: Are You Holding onto Something You Should Let Go Of?

There are some things that get better with time; a fine wine; a broken bone; or a loving relationship.  Then there are the things that don’t; leftovers; overnight guests; and anger.  In fact, the latter gets rank the longer they hang on.  We like hanging on to things regardless of whether they get better or […]