Category Archives: Guided Imagery
What Olympic Athletes Can Teach Job Searchers To Be Successful
It’s that time again. Every four years athletes from around the world gather to compete to be the fastest, highest and strongest at the Winter Olympics. Much like job searchers compete to be the most qualified candidate. The Olympic athletes are equally matched the same as the job candidates are qualified. The winners are determined […]
Have you ever seen world-class athletes before their event? If you have, you might have seen them with their eyes closed and their heads moving. What they’re doing is not some crazy superstitious ritual before competing. They are performing their competition in their heads. They picture every movement their bodies will make along with any […]
One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: Take Care of You
I don’t have to tell anyone that a long unemployed job search is stressful, especially if you are in the middle of such a search. Many people lose their sense of humor and forget how to laugh and enjoy life. It’s a case of which came first the chicken or the egg. Did you become […]
Think Positive: When not If You Get a Job
“Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right.” Henry Ford said these words many, many years ago. But they still ring true. Job searchers need to take this to heart. Thinking positive is a powerful way to get a job. What? Yes, thinking positive will get you a job. It has to do […]
Conquer Interview Anxiety
Do you have test anxiety? I do, and my brother does. My brother will be taking a test soon that has the potential to change his life drastically. He recently found out that in order to keep his job, he needs to pass a crucial test. He has a very comfortable life style. He owns […]