Category Archives: unemployed

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Reduce Interview Stress

We all feel the stress caused by interviews.  But not everyone knows how to it reduced by breathing.  Not just any breathing, but diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing.   There is a remarkable relationship between how you breathe and the stress you feel.  Put breathing from your diaphragm into your preparations to ace interviews. The Benefits […]

On the lighter side of the job search

  Because every job searcher needs a laugh every and then, I thought I would share some things that will hopefully make you laugh.  Yes, I have your resume right here. My link to the outside world. It takes 3 people to figure out how to do my job. They said they would keep my […]

Evaluating Your Job Searching by the Numbers

Statistics wasn’t my favorite class, but I need them for many things.   They are used for many things from voting to purchasing  decisions.   You can achieve success in your job search using statistics.   How is your job search going?  Are you getting interviews?  Are your interviews turning into offers?  If your job search isn’t going […]

Beat the Overqualified Label.

Yesterday’s blog about the difference between inexperienced and overqualified left off with my promise to show you how to Beat the Overqualified Label. The ways to beat the overqualified label are easy to accomplish, and the results will be well worth the effort it takes. 1. Target your résumé and cover letter for each position. […]

5 Tips to Beat the Gray Ceiling: Get Hired at 50+ Part 1

I don’t remember where I heard or read this story, but it sets the stage for this blog and the one that follows.  It seems that a man was going to see a career coach about his difficulty finding a job.  He was over 50 and felt the gray ceiling hovering over him.  As the […]