Tag Archives: career transition

You Can Be Grateful Even If You Are Unemployed

In a few days, we will be sitting down with family and/or friends to celebrate all that we have by giving thanks.  However, if you are unemployed, you are           probably wondering what you have to give thanks for.  Well you do have a lot to be thankful for.  In this […]

Unemployment and the Holidays: Yes they can be compatible.

Believe it or not it is that time again; the time when you start thinking about the holidays ahead.  Or maybe you are trying to put it out of your mind.  But nevertheless they will be here upon you  soon. `seem to increase every year; food, family, gifts and so on.  But how do you […]

Getting Back to Your Life

Recently I polled a number of people in my job search networking support group about what they look forward to doing again when they get a job.  Although the answers varied, they had one thing in common.  People wanted to return the life they had before they were let go from their job. Some of […]

Let go and get a job.

When my daughter was young say around 3, she would always say she was a big girl.  She still played with toys appropriate to her age.  At around 9 she honestly thought she was a big girl; she wanted to dress and act older.  She would have preferred makeup and the like instead of toys.  […]

Job Loss Grief: The Unknown and Unacknowledged Emotion

You have either been laid off, downsized, right-sided, made redundant, let go, or whatever they called it, and you feel a wide range of emotions.  Or maybe you don’t feel anything at all at the moment.  All you know is you are now experiencing an unplanned change.  Everything you thought about yourself, your job and […]