Tag Archives: interviews

What To Do If You Have The Flu And An Interview

The flu has been in the news lately. The flu has hit early and hard this year. Hopefully you have been spared. If you are a job searcher with a scheduled interview, nothing could be worse than getting the flu at that time. You will do your candidacy more good by staying home than going […]

Using Google Alerts To Find Your Next Job

You have targeted a few companies that you want to work for.  You want to see all the latest information you can.  You know a few people in the company, but asking them to pass along information seems a tad icky. You know that hiring managers are likely to Google you before calling you for […]

5 Tips to Beat the Gray Ceiling: Get Hired at 50+ Part 2

Yesterday I told you how groaning and grimacing when you sit down can ruin your job search.  There are companies that are supportive of 50+ workersand networking is an effective way to get a job. Today, I will continue with the last 4 tips and finish with the list of Best Employers for Workers Over […]

5 Tips to Beat the Gray Ceiling: Get Hired at 50+ Part 1

I don’t remember where I heard or read this story, but it sets the stage for this blog and the one that follows.  It seems that a man was going to see a career coach about his difficulty finding a job.  He was over 50 and felt the gray ceiling hovering over him.  As the […]

What Are Keywords And Why Are They The Keys to Your Success?

If you are job searching, you have heard of keywords.  But what are they, where do I find them and how do I use them.  That is what this post is all about.  Keywords are the key to your success. Keywords are the words the employer uses in their job ad and what they will […]