Tag Archives: job search support

Meet a friend of mine, an author with a great book.

Paul Rega is president of a retained executive search firm and a professional recruiter with over twenty-seven years of job hunting and career planning experience. His provocative new book, How To Find A Job: When There Are No Jobs strikes a nerve with millions of displaced workers and goes well beyond the principles of job […]

Reduce Interview Stress and Ace the Interview

In my last post, I talked about the stress caused by interviews and how to it reduced by breathing.  Not just any breathing, but diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing.   There is a remarkable relationship between how you breathe and the stress you feel.  Put breathing from your diaphragm into your preparations to ace interviews. The […]

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Job Search

“Our brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds, and, by means with which no man is familiar, these “magnets” attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.” ~Napoleon Hill Our thoughts are magnets that attract the thoughts […]

What World Class Athletes Can Teach Job Searchers To Achieve Success.

Have you ever seen a world class athlete before their event?  If you have, you might have seen them with their eyes closed and head moving.  What they’re doing is not some weird superstitious ritual before competing.  They are performing their competition in their head.  Every movement their body will make is pictured along with […]

Surviving Unemployment: The Only New Year’s Resolution Job Searchers Need for Success in 2012.

New Year, New Energy The number one New Year’s resolution job searchers need for success in 2012 is to add a new power to your search.  New Year, new energy.  Give it all you’ve got without holding back.  Avoid fits and starts by keeping up a maintainable push forward.  The following are ways to increase […]