The two things that come to mind when people say job search are resumes and interviews. If it were only that easy, the job search wouldn’t be as frustrating and confusing as it. Here are some of the things your job search tool box needs for a successful job search.
1. Growing network—most jobs are obtained by networking. Grow your network and stay in touch with your network. It’s a reciprocal connection that you are building not “what’s in it for me” be willing to help wherever you can.
2. Positive mindset—remain optimistic that something good is going to happen. People shy away from people who are desperate. They don’t want to risk their reputation on someone who has negativity written all over them.
3. Thick skin—you are going to hear you are not the right fit more than once, if you hear anything at all. It isn’t you personally. It is the nature of the job search. Don’t take rejection personally.
4. Patience—the job search isn’t a one and done. It takes many resumes and interviews to get the one job you are looking for. There will be times when you can’t find anything to apply for. The time between submitting a résumé and hearing from the company may take weeks or months, in some cases. The hiring process can be long in some companies. Don’t give up.
5. Volunteer—use your skills to help another person or organization at no cost and it will fill the gap in your résumé. It offers you an opportunity to meet people who may be able to help you. The best thing is you will feel better about yourself. There is a correlation between helping others and feel good.
6. Join a job search networking support group—you can expand your network, learn tips and tricks to boost your job search, get leads on jobs, and gain the emotional support along with the encouragement you need at this difficult time.
7. Mentor/coach—an impartial person who will listen to your and guide you through the process. A person who answer your questions and ask you questions to bring out the best in you.
8. Be appreciative for any help you get—whether it’s thanking an interviewer or someone who have you a lead, express your appreciation for any help you get. It is the best way to make sure you will continue receiving help.
9. Know what makes you unique—the hiring manager wants to hire the best person for the job. Be able to articulate what unique skill, ability, or experience you bring to the job that no one else has.
10. Take care of you—this is an extremely stressful time. Your health is vital to your job search success. It is essential that you eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get the rest you need. If you have all the above but look sickly or depressed, you won’t get the job.
It takes time and patience but with the right tools your job search will have the momentum it needs to keep you motivated and on task. By incorporating the above in your job search, you will be sitting at your new job before you know it.
How can I help you in your job search?

Career Coach
by Arleen Bradley Career Coaching
I am a full–service career coach. From networking and resumes to interviews, I will help you get the job you want. I'm holistic. You, the person, are just as important as your job search. I will...
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