If you are job searching, you have heard of keywords. But what are they, where do I find them and how do I use them. That is what this post is all about. Keywords are the key to your success.
Keywords are the words the employer uses in their job ad and what they will use when the do a search in their application tracking system (a.t.s.). If your résumé contains the keywords the employer is looking for, your résumé stands a greater chance of being read.
Specifically, they are the words that reference job requirements, responsibilities, and qualifications. Such as these words found in an actual job ad:
- transmission network analysis
- managing data sets
- power markets
- running simulation tools
- new modeling tasks
- internal customers
- optimization techniques
- probability and statistics
- interpersonal and communication skills
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Math, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics
- Excel
- Access
- Visual Basics
If you would like to see these keywords in the actual job ad click here.
Of course your résumé needs to make sense. Use the appropriate keywords throughout your résumé. A listing of keywords won’t get your résumé read even if is selected by the a.t.s. It needs to be formatted in an acceptable manner and highlight your accomplishments. Your résumé is your ticket to an interview and needs to compel the reader to call you in for an interview.
Arleen Bradley is a certified career coach and certified job loss recovery coach. She assists clients in moving beyond job loss grief in order to land dream jobs. To learn more about the Job Loss Recovery Program and how you can benefit from it, log on to https://arleenbradley.com.
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