Category Archives: find a job help

Interviews are like root canals without Novocaine.

Why are Interviews Stressful? Interviews have to be one the world’s most stressful activities.  Given a choice between a root canal and an interview, I think I would take neither.  I don’t like either one for different reasons.  I don’t like the pain involved in a root canal or the expense.  The interview just throws […]

What World Class Athletes Can Teach Job Searchers To Achieve Success.

Have you ever seen a world class athlete before their event?  If you have, you might have seen them with their eyes closed and head moving.  What they’re doing is not some weird superstitious ritual before competing.  They are performing their competition in their head.  Every movement their body will make is pictured along with […]

Surviving Unemployment: The Only New Year’s Resolution Job Searchers Need for Success in 2012.

New Year, New Energy The number one New Year’s resolution job searchers need for success in 2012 is to add a new power to your search.  New Year, new energy.  Give it all you’ve got without holding back.  Avoid fits and starts by keeping up a maintainable push forward.  The following are ways to increase […]

Surviving Unemployment: Write your way to happiness.

Remember the first days of the school year with your new notebooks and new pens?  You couldn’t wait to start writing with them.   And when bored, you doodled with those pens on the notebooks with curlicues, lines, arrows, hearts or anything that came to mind.  Now is somewhat different.  Instead of doodling we use the […]

Surviving Unemployment: Be a people person.

Last week I introduced my upcoming series of blogs about coping with your job loss. This week I will tell you how being a people person will help you endure the wait until you land your next job. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, therefore I cannot give you […]