Category Archives: Job Search

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Stay Current with Technology.

A member of my networking group found her dream job. It had all the skills she was looking to use, the company is strong and growing, and she could see herself in that role. She carefully crafted the perfect resume that succeedded in getting her a coveted interview. The interview was going well. She was […]

How desperate are you for a job? Desperate enough to sit in a store front window?

  That’s what’s going on in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Frustrated job searchers are sitting in a storefront window with a brief summary of their qualifications.  And maybe a lucky charm or two for luck.   It’s an idea that has caught on with over 260 people who applied to be one of the selected to sit […]


I remember my grandmother saying that many hands make the work light.  It was her way of getting my sisters and me to clean something.  It was a job no one wanted to do, but it had to be done.  If we all pitched in and helped, the work would be over sooner and we […]

Yes, You Will Succeed.

It’s not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life–it is how you handle what happens to you. ~Zig Ziglar This quote summarizes the horrific tragedy in Boston on Monday, April 15, 2013.  It has been over 330 years since a battle has been held in Boston.  We won that […]

Find key words in the clouds—word clouds

"word cloud"Click on the link above to see this word cloud at WordItOut. You may also view it on this website if you enable JavaScript (see your web browser settings). Word cloud made with WordItOut What is a word cloud?  Look at the image above.  That is a word cloud.  It is a visual summary of the […]