Category Archives: need a job
The Job Search isn’t a One Fits All Process
Find a job today is like trying to hit a moving target. The rules keep changing. The people involved in the hiring practice don’t all agree on what is standard throughout the job search world. What’s a job searcher to do? Job searchers today must understand the status of the job search at this […]
The Holidays are Over, Time to Get Back to the Job Search.
They’re over! The holidays are finished. My husband and I took down the tree and put away the decorations. There are no more Christmas cookies. And the left overs are all gone. If you’re like us, you’re ready to get back to normal life. What is everyday life for a job searcher? It varies by […]
The Job Searchers Most Needed Tool: Job Search Networking Support Group
In the past 4 years, I have been a part of a job search networking group called Pressed for Success. When it began there were only 3 of us. The following week, 5 and it grew steadily for a couple of years. However as the economy improves, growth has not been as steady. But the […]
Job Search 2013: New Twists on Old Strategies
Like many of you, I am eager to put 2012 in my past. It wasn’t the greatest year for me. I lost my dad in March and 6 weeks later, my son announced he was moving 1500 miles away. Then my father-in-law and aunt died in July. I am looking forward to 2013. I feel […]
10 Gifts Job Searchers Need But Won’t Ask For
Ask a job searcher what they want for Christmas. From my experience, the answer is “a job.” The last thing a job searcher needs is a scented candle or a box of chocolates. While these gifts are nice, they don’t give the job searcher what he/she really needs—meaningful employment and a pay check. You can […]