Category Archives: Uncategorized

2 Things Job Searchers Want Human Resources Managers to Know There are many things job searchers desperately want.  The number one item is a job!  Job searchers want human resources managers to know is that they want the job and they need the paycheck that goes with it.  Human resource managers aren’t the ones making the decision.  It’s the hiring manager.  However, next […]

An Open Letter to Congress and President Obama on Behalf of the Long Term Unemployed

  This may sound like a rant for good reason.  But it is something I feel passionate about.  I know so many people who have been unemployed for a long time.  They have put their lives and spending on hold.  They want to get up, dressed and go to work.  So please forgive the rant. […]

How To Cope With Long Term Unemployment

I often mention in my posts why it’s important to belong to job search networking groups.  That is because I am the founder and facilitator of 2 such groups.  For the last 5 years, I have met with job searchers in various stages of their search.  The members represent different industries and roles.  The thing […]

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Yields Results.

My last blog talked about changes you need to make for a successful job search 2014.  Today, I want to share with you what happened when a client of mine stepped out of his comfort zone. I have a client that I will call John.  John had been employed by the same employer for about […]

New Year, New Energy

The number one New Year’s resolution job searchers need for success in 2014 is to add a new energy to your search.  New Year, new energy.  Give it all you’ve got without holding back.  Avoid fits and starts by keeping up a maintainable push forward.  The following are ways to increase the momentum of your […]