Category Archives: long period of unemployed

How To Cope With Long Term Unemployment

I often mention in my posts why it’s important to belong to job search networking groups.  That is because I am the founder and facilitator of 2 such groups.  For the last 5 years, I have met with job searchers in various stages of their search.  The members represent different industries and roles.  The thing […]

Over come gaps and multiple lay-offs

In my last post,  I talked about job hopping not being a bad thing.  That sometimes, it can help a career.  But in this post, I will talk about when it’s a terrible thing. And what you can do about it. Well it seems that even with the Great Recession gaps due to several layoffs hasn’t […]

One Really Good Tip to End Your Job Search: Have an answer to the question, “What have you been up to”?

Many of my clients have told me that one of the many questions they were asked had to do what they had been doing since they were laid off.  The question came as a surprise to most of them.  Fortunately they were able to say what they had been doing. In an earlier post, I […]

One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: Take Care of You

I don’t have to tell anyone that a long unemployed job search is stressful, especially if you are in the middle of such a search.  Many people lose their sense of humor and forget how to laugh and enjoy life.  It’s a case of which came first the chicken or the egg.  Did you become […]