Category Archives: job search help
One Really Good Tip To End Your Job Search: For phone screen success, it’s the little things that matter.
Your résumé has done what it was supposed to do; it captured the attention of the hiring company and they want to know more about. The first step in the long process is a phone interview or phone screen. The hiring company will call to ask about details not on the résumé. One thing they […]
11 Ways to Research Companies
While on a job search, you will find it necessary to research a company. Before you apply for a position, you research a company to see if you are interested in the company. When you are called for an interview, the information you have gathered will help you prepare to ace the interview. The more […]
The Job Search isn’t a One Fits All Process
Find a job today is like trying to hit a moving target. The rules keep changing. The people involved in the hiring practice don’t all agree on what is standard throughout the job search world. What’s a job searcher to do? Job searchers today must understand the status of the job search at this […]
The Holidays are Over, Time to Get Back to the Job Search.
They’re over! The holidays are finished. My husband and I took down the tree and put away the decorations. There are no more Christmas cookies. And the left overs are all gone. If you’re like us, you’re ready to get back to normal life. What is everyday life for a job searcher? It varies by […]
Job Searching: Yes, There’s an App for That.
Today it seems like everyone has a phone in his/her hand . Many people even use it to make or receive phone calls. To my son-in-law it’s a watch. My brother uses it as his calendar. Kelly, my daughter uses many apps. The best one I saw her use was the level. During football season, […]